What Would You Tell Your Younger Self About Beauty?

Everyone remembers some of their adolescent phases, especially the awkward ones. Whether they were related to your interests or appearance, these weird times of trial-and-error helped shape you into the unique person you are today. Hopefully, they even helped you become more confident in yourself. After all, there’s nothing quite like looking back on the raccoon eye makeup and overplucked brows of yesteryear to make you think about how much you’ve changed or how many steps you’ve taken to find your look. 

If you were talking to someone ten years younger than you, or even talking to the old you who didn’t know what to do with eyeliner, what would you tell them about beauty? What do you think you should say to them? To help them feel comfortable with themselves and their appearance, you might want to mention these vital beauty lessons.

More Is Not Always More

Your first pen eyeliner, mascara, brow pencil, and eyeshadow palette will not be your last, and you don’t have to buy every product all at once. Explore beauty products when you’re ready and take your time.

When you’re young, you probably don’t have to wear foundation or concealer, try out fun brow and eye products instead. Find a reliable pen eyeliner and maybe some mascara to start, then add to your makeup collection from there.

Build Each Other Up

Everyone is doing what they can to look and feel their best—yourself included. Take and give suggestions when it feels right and never go out of your way to bring someone down. You can always recommend your favorite products to people who actually want to discover more about makeup and beauty trends.

A World of Unique Shapes

Nobody has the same face. Even if people say you look just like your mom, dad, sister, or brother—you’re not a clone. In this world of unique facial characteristics, you may stand out by leaning into the rare qualities that make you distinct.

That doesn’t mean you can’t try the exciting new styles and looks you may see on social media! Just remember that faces are not made for makeup—makeup is made for your face.

Enjoy the Process

There may be ups and downs, but you’ll uncover the products and beauty tools to love. Don’t be afraid to try a bunch of different things, like heated eyelash curlers, liquid eyeliners, custom eyebrow kits, and other exciting beauty finds. You may find that eyebrow pencils and eyelash curlers heated to a moderate temperature are all you need to feel true to yourself.

These are lessons that you may have learned, and they’re not going anywhere. They don’t call out a specific trend that may fade, and they’re not putting anyone down. If you were to have a chance to let someone younger than you know something about beauty, let it be that they are beautiful with or without makeup. They can choose to use clean beauty products like a balm cleanser and tools like a heated eyelashes curler or not. It’s their features, so it’s always their choice.

About Chella

Always working to highlight your gorgeous features, Chella is dedicated to creating brow and eye makeup that never lets you or your brows down. Chella can be a part of a beauty routine designed to cultivate feelings of confidence in the natural beauty you possess. Their clean beauty products are vegan, cruelty free and paraben free, so you can feel good in and about your makeup. When your brows, eyes, and skin need support, Chella can offer their Custom Eyebrow Pencil and Cream Kits, Heated Eyelash Curlers, and Eyeliner Pens. That way, when you hold your head up, flash a brilliant smile, and arch your brow with attitude, you might feel that you’re not alone—Chella may be right there with you.

Let Chella help you discover essential beauty lessons with clean beauty products at https://chella.com/


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